13 things about yours truly:
1. I HAVE to vacuum, well, actually, clean the house at least every other day
2. I hate clutter, so I'm always putting stuff in cabinets then later we cant find them. hehe
3. I tend to say "DER" a lot - I know, it's annoying lol
4. I roll my eyes alot (sorry, I can't help it)
5. I have a brother and sister who are twins
6. I come from a Mexican/American family but am the only one apart from my Grandparents who speaks Spanish fluently. (immediate family)
7. I was married right out of high school (it didn't last)
8. I am obsessed with animals. If we could afford it I'd get a ranch with tons of them!
9. I care if people like me or not. Like- really care. I wish I didn't.
10. I was friends with my hubby for 7 years before we "hooked up".
11. I love to cook and would love to be a Chef.
12. When I was 5 I got stung in the eye by a bee. So now I'm petrified of them. (Long story)
13. I love all kinds of music. I will listen to absolutely anything. :)