Saturday, June 16, 2007

Far Away

As most of you know, I'm living in England until August 2008. I have only been here since April but it seems like years. Don't get me wrong, we appreciate the opportunity we have to be here, but we really miss home (especially me). About a month 1/2 ago reality hit me.... Im far away from my friends and family. It's only me and my lovely hubby. I dont mind being here alone with Patrick, but there is something about knowing your friends are down the road and are available for a drink if you wanted. I also came to realize how precious and valuable my fam and friends truly are to me. Distance really does make the heart fonder. I've had many days of depression lately, with non-stop rainy weather and the 6 hour wait for people to start waking up to make phone calls to the states. I know eventually I will get used to it, but right now it's kind of hard, especially for someone who was always on the go. Patrick tries to make me feel better- awww, bless him. He's used to this kind of life, far away from loved ones. Im just a spoiled brat! hehe Whew! I feel better! Man- this blog stuff really does work! haha

1 comment:

Ashley said...

You will be suprised the cool blogs you can find on here. Mine in so minor compared to many. I just learn to do a little at a time kinda like myspace. It has been a fun outlet for me too. All the Grandmas and people who do not do myspace get to see my kids and I get to talk with other people.